• The Yorkshire Dales' Finest Views

    Many memories of walks in the Dales are distilled into the fine views one experiences, and it would be a mistake to assume that great views necessarily entail sustained climbs up to the top of the nearest fells.   As Wordsworth would have it, one might be ‘surprised by joy’ when coming out of a belt of woodland into fields, or onto the edge of a limestone outcrop, or discovering a hidden valley. Finding a contouring path  with a panorama of the bucolic dale below slowly unfolding is so rewarding, as is contemplating the changes of light as the shadows of clouds play upon the wide open moorlands so characteristic of  the Yorkshire Dales. The underlying geology, mainly of gritstone and limestone, give rise to different farming practices and other land use which, in turn, provide different vistas and experiences for the walker. Classic Dales’ scenery of limestone pavements, scars and screes features strongly as do the atmospheric limestone gorges formed by glacial action. The two main upland glacial lakes in the Dales and their associated wetlands also feature, as do some lovely riverside strolls through flower-rich meadows. These walks reflect the variety of scenery in the landscapes of the Yorkshire Dales. They are also an invaluable guide to the best views and locations for the keen photographer. Enjoy!       
  • When it comes to hill walking, walks with views are much more fun than those without. These walks will also take keen photographers to come of the best places in Cumbria for taking those stunning images. Viewpoints are the walkers reward: the potential grandeur of the vista or panorama from just over the next incline or the atop the next crag is the incentive that draws on weary legs to summits. With lakes, rivers, forests, woodland, rolling countryside and craggy fells all crammed into such a compact geographical area, it’s no surprise that the Lake District is full of such stunning visual rewards, with unique and beautiful views around every corner.
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