• The ten routes outlined in this attractive pocket size book are amongst the very best challenging routes on the mountains of Snowdonia. Snowdonia's mountain ridges can be every bit as dramatic as the summits they connect. Some are well known classics like the Snowdon Horseshoe or Nantlle Ridge, while others are surprisingly well kept secrets like the Llech Du Spur, Gyrn Lâs Ridge or the ridges of the northern Glyderau. Created as a companion volume to the best selling 'Top 10 Mountain Walks', these little books will show you the very best that Snowdonia has to offer.
  • The hills and mountains of Snowdonia will captivate any lover of wild mountain scenery, with around 100 summits above 2,000 feet (approximately 610 metres) and fourteen exceeding 3,000 feet (914 metres). The ten classic walks in this great little guide have been chosen to give a variety of routes, spread across the entire National Park, with most of the main hill groups represented. For each mountain the most scenic route has been chosen and where possible these are well-established, classic paths, easy to follow, with good access and official parking. Enjoy Snowdonia.
  • One of a series of four books for Snowdonia in the popular Top 10 Walks series. Handy, pocket-sized, full colour walking guides written by experts. The perfect impulse buy. Free display stands available. Other titles in the series include: Mountain Walks, Ridge Walks & Scrambles and Pub Walks. Uses Ordnance Survey mapping.
  • Pembrokeshire’s Café Culture is booming and it’s not the big chains leading the way. Gone are the steamy fugs, greasy-spoon menus and chipped mugs; instead, there’s no shortage of bright and friendly venues serving speciality coffees and teas, home-made baking, and wonderful snacks and meals that capitalise on the best of local produce and culinary talent. Very often there’re take-away options too and sometimes interesting wines or Welsh-brewed beers and ciders. Many are open all day from breakfast and morning coffee to afternoon tea, with some venues running into the evening too with live music, poetry or storytelling. They’re great places to rest or meet up with friends, too; so go for a walk and see what you can find — you’ll not be disappointed.
  • This attractive and good looking book will take you on ten short circular walks to some of the finest and most iconic pubs and inns in Pembrokeshire, in South Wales. Ever since rambling became a recognised pastime, country pubs have been magnets for walkers. Whether a lunchtime stop along the way or a final destination for the day, the promise of a thirst-quenching pint, bar snack or a hearty meal is for many, an integral part of the day. Many of Pembrokeshire's coastal inns have origins in serving seafarers, while those inland lay beside routes to and from the coast or beside old droves along which livestock were herded to market. Today, all have a fine tradition of serving visitors who come for no other purpose than to enjoy the magnificent countryside. Those chosen here have long established reputations for their food or ale and have an individual quirkiness worth seeking out.
  • This pocket size book explores the ten best short circular waterside walks in the Peak District. Some follow lovely stretches of rivers; others explore the northern reservoirs. Several major rivers originate in the Peak, fed by countless springs, brooks and streams that have cut deep cloughs and gorges through the grit and limestone. Many powered the early industrialisation of the area while the valleys often served as conduits for trans-Pennine trade. Other dales, too steep or narrow for settlement or farming, or whose streams found subterranean courses, were ignored and today provide valuable wildlife habitats. And although the region has no significant natural lakes, reservoirs abound and are now largely naturalised within the landscape.
  • This lovely pocket size book explores ten of the Peak District's most fascinating historic landscapes — from prehistoric monuments to Industrial Revolution ruins. Stone tools from Thor’s Cave indicate that man arrived in the Peak as the glaciers receded. More obvious are Bronze and Iron Age circles, burials and earthworks, as well as the scars of mineral extraction — begun by the Romans and continuing today. Some Peakland churches claim Saxon foundation, and by the Middle Ages there was an extensive network of tracks and settlements. Water powered the first industrial revolution, bringing roads, canals and railways, and in the fine country mansions, farmsteads, cottages and town houses there is a rich variety of vernacular and classic architecture.
  •   This handy pocket size book will take you on short circular walks to the ten finest views and viewpoints in the Peak District. Views are why many of us venture into the hills and countryside in the first place. Nothing beats a sweeping view from a moorland edge or hill, or an arching panorama over a pleasant valley. Sometimes it’s just the simple pleasure of the patterns of light and shade, the textures and colours of the woodland or the flowing beauty of the stream we’re walking beside. But typically there’s a feeling that you’ve earned a great view through sheer effort – even if the easiest approach had been taken to reach it. Perhaps that’s why so many of the great Peak District views are atop minor summits, at moorland edges, or overlooking deep valleys.
  •   The Peak District abounds with cafes and tea shops offering fabulous, freshly brewed coffee and a mouthwatering variety of speciality teas. This pocket-size guide picks carefully selected cafés across the Peak District — in locations ranging from former stations to community cafés, National Trust properties to hillside farms, and bakeries on town streets to tearooms tucked down alleyways. All of them offer a great choice of often home-baked or locally sourced produce, and a pleasant place to relax after a refreshing walk. This handy pocket size book will take you on short circular walks to the ten friendliest and most fantastic cafes and tea shops in the Peak District.  
  • This attractive pocket size book will take you on short circular walks to the ten finest rocks and edges in the Peak District. Surprisingly for newcomers, the Peak District is almost devoid of anything resembling a traditional mountain peak (the name instead derives from the Old English paec, merely meaning ‘hill’). In reality, The Peak is a high, sloping plateau, cleft by deep valleys and winding ravines. In compensation, however, there are long runs of startlingly dramatic cliffs — here known as edges — and spectacularly weathered outcrops of rock, often referred to as tors. For rock climbers, they offer some of England’s finest challenges, while for walkers the views from the escarpments’ rims can be unforgettable.
  • This handy pocket size book will take you on short circular walks to the ten best pubs in the Peak District. Ever since rambling became a recognised pastime, country pubs have been magnets for walkers. Whether a lunch-time stop along the way or a final destination for the day, the promise of a thirst-quenching pint or a hearty meal are, for many, an integral part of the day. Many of Peakland’s inns have their origins in serving the jaggers and stockmen who travelled the lonely upland routes. Today, they serve not only the locals but also the growing influx of recreational visitors. Long live the Peak District pub.
  •   Even the Peak District's name conceals a mystery. Forget the obvious: a visitor expecting towering peaks will be disappointed, as the name comes from the Pecsaetan tribe who once lived here. But there’s a twist: the Anglo-Saxon means “settlers of the Pec”…and that word pec has the same root as our peak, the dialect pike and the Pyrenean pic. So, ultimately, the Peak District is named after its peaks, after all. The Peak District is broadly defined by the conurbations at its corners: Manchester, Sheffield, Derby and Stoke. Within this rectangle, the National Park forms a rough oval of around 550 square miles. The area is traditionally divided into the Dark Peak – peat moorland edged by gritstone, with rugged villages in the valleys — and the softer White Peak - upland pastures defined by drystone walls, divided by gorges and limestone villages. The eastern and western moors are similar to the Dark Peak, but have their own subtly distinctive characters. The Peak District was occupied by humans long before the Pecsaetans and in each era man has left his mark, from prehistoric standing stones and rock art, through the folk legends, crosses and churches of the Middle Ages, to post-medieval follies and puzzling relics of the extraction of lime and lead. The varied geology of the area throws up natural curiosities too: its dark gritstone has wind-sculpted tors and edges, while its gleaming limestone hides caves and subterranean rivers. This handy pocket size book will take you on short circular walks to the ten most fascinating, odd or strange places in the Peak District. Prepare to be amazed and surprised.  
  • This lovely, pocket size book offers the ten best short circular walks to upland moors and tors across the Peak District. The uplands of the Peak bear the characteristics of hills rather than mountains: high, undulating plateaux dissected by deep, meandering valleys. Yet there is little uniformity; the seemingly remote moorland of the Kinder plateau is in sharp contrast to the gentler and lower upland heaths found farther south. These landscapes change subtly with the seasons and, for those who care to look, are rich in wildlife. There are birds, hares, and foxes; and in summer, adders and lizards bask in the sun while butterflies dance in the remotest places.
  • This attractive pocket size book gives you the ten very best dale and valley walks in the Peak District. The White Peak is known for dramatic limestone gorges: convoluted pathways carved into its heart, where rearing pinnacles, dark caves and thundering rivers struck awe into seventeenth-century travellers. Still captivating today, they harbour rich woodland, wildflower meadows and disappearing and resurgent streams, one of the area’s strangest curiosities. Delightful Dovedale, once the haunt of the renowned anglers Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton, contrasts with Cave Dale, a gaunt, dry passage below Castleton’s Norman stronghold. But the Dark Peak has attractive valleys too, and different again is the Dane Valley, which cuts onto the Cheshire Plain from the gritstone moors.
  • Discover the very best walks in the Yorkshire Dales National Park. These ten themed walks explore the contrasting faces of the Yorkshire Dales — the gentle flower-filled Dales and the wild and rugged uplands with their drystone walls, waterfalls, limestone pavements and iconic peaks. Find unspoiled pubs and friendly teashops. Visit tiny villages, castles, churches and ancient abbeys. Stroll beside crystal rivers or thrill to the thunder of some of Britain’s mightiest waterfalls. Conquer the Three Peaks of Pen-y-ghent, Ingleborough and Whernside. Or just enjoy the quiet countryside and spectacular scenery. Every walk here is a walk to savour.
  •   Discover the very best of the dramatic Snowdonia National Park, in North Wales. These ten themed walks will take you to the best and most iconic places across Snowdonia, from the mighty Aber Falls in the north, to Cadair Idris, in the south. Famous for its lofty mountains and open hills, Snowdonia is characterised, too, by dramatic upland lakes and tarns enfolded within glacial troughs and valleys, and short, steep rivers tumbling to the sea. Discover vast empty beaches, friendly pubs and stunning views, hidden lakes and awesome waterfalls, challenging hills and mighty mountains.  Every one is a walk to enjoy and savour on the day, and to remember long afterwards.


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